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Teachers Talk Radio

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Live Radio but also many features are available as podcasts. Call in, text in, join the conversation.

Teacher Hug Radio

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Although we are on air every single day of the week, we know that there will be specific topics, shows or presenters that you will want to listen to at a time that suits you. Whether you want to refocus with our featured shows, dive into specific themeswith our topic collections or binge on our box sets, our listen again section helps you to listen to the soundtrack to your teaching career in your own way. Whenever, wherever or however you tune in to Teacher Hug Radio, make sure you join in the conversation online using #TeacherHugRadio

Learn Radio

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A Mix of Incredibly dynamic Live Radio Shows & New Podcasts & YouTube Channel content each week to support learning across Early Years, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 with cross-curricular tasks, interactive content, chat and plenty of great music. This is #EducationRadio, #VideoCasts & #Podcasts for Educators, Home Learners and After School Clubs everywhere


Mr Barton Maths

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Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more.

Tips for Teachers

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A podcast to help your supercharge your teaching one idea at a time. Each episode guests share 5 tips for any aspect of life as a teacher: planning, assessment, wellbeing, saving time, talking to parents, and more.

Edsurge Podcast

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A weekly podcast about the future of learning. Join host Jeff Young and other EdSurge reporters as they sit down with educators, innovators and scholars for frank and in-depth conversations.

Learning Unboxed

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We hear, frequently, that the global education system is broken, and as a result, we spend billions of dollar trying to fix it. But the K-12 system isn’t actually broken at all – it’s working exactly as it was designed, 100 years ago, and it’s obsolete. So in Learning Unboxed, we will have a conversation about teaching, learning, and the future of work; we will reimagine, rethink, and redesign our educational system.

Have You Heard

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Occasionally funny and periodically informative, Have You Heard features journalist Jennifer Berkshire and scholar Jack Schneider as they explore the age-old quest to finally fix the nation's public schools, one policy issue at a time.

Becoming Educated

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The mission of Becoming Educated is threefold: - To inform, giving teachers the robust academic basis for really meaningfully interrogating practice. - To challenge accepted thinking, dangerous assumptions and the “dead wood” in tired professional dialogue. - And ultimately to inspire and allow passionate professionals to trust in themselves and teach with joy.

Changing Conversations

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This podcast is a place to stop and think, to reflect and ask the important questions. Our focus is on changing conversations. Conversation is one of the oldest ways to nurture the conditions for growth and improvement. When we talk about what matters we come alive and conversation has the power to guide us into new and different actions that offer the potential for great things. We will be exploring big questions as well as small questions about life and work, and in particular education. Co-hosts are Billy Burke and Sarah Philp.

Learning Unboxed

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We hear, frequently, that the global education system is broken, and as a result, we spend billions of dollar trying to fix it. But the K-12 system isn’t actually broken at all – it’s working exactly as it was designed, 100 years ago, and it’s obsolete. So in Learning Unboxed, we will have a conversation about teaching, learning, and the future of work; we will reimagine, rethink, and redesign our educational system.

The Dynamic Deputies

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An uplifting and informative podcast for teachers, support staff and school leaders from two Deputy Heads, Steve & Russell (@DynamicDeps). The Dynamic Deputies Podcast covers a wide range of topics and includes regular guest-episodes. Guaranteed to lift your mood and bring you some much-needed calm.

Naylor's Natter

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"Naylor's natter...just talking to teachers" Naylor's Natter is the brainchild of Phil Naylor , created initially to share musings on evidence, research and CPD. The podcast has grown significantly since its first episode in early 2019 and is now proudly independent. We have no sponsorship or affiliation. As the podcast has evolved so has its reach, we feel passionately about diversity of opinion and representation of our profession. To ensure we better reflect teaching , we are now proud to add more hosts to the podcast. Opinions are guests and hosts alone.

Tiny Voice Talks

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Tiny Voice Talks is an award winning podcast that gives a platform to the quieter voices in education. Toria is a primary teacher, evidence lead educator and the Diversity and Equity lead in her school. She is passionate about education and building a better future for all. Toria chats to teachers, leaders, authors and advisors about what they are doing and how that is impacting on the young people in our classrooms. If you are in education and want your voice heard, contact Toria on To join #TinyVoiceTalks on Twitter just find Toria's pinned tweet each Tuesday (@toriaclaire).


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We are led to believe that the education system will continually evolve to meet the needs of learners and society. This has not happened. We need a revolution!


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An exciting educational podcast by two Scottish teachers. All views are our own.

From Page to Practice

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From page to practice, applying educational reading in the classroom. #PagePracticePodcast

Tiny Voice Talks

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Jam-packed with cool classrooms, cool apps, and cool teaching ideas, full-time teacher, Vicki Davis, who blogs as the Cool Cat Teacher, loves to interview awesome teachers and educators from around the world on this teacher podcast. Her goal is to interview the most in-classroom teachers on one helpful teacher podcast. She loves to encourage and share other education podcasts too. You can follow Vicki @coolcatteacher on all social media and join the conversation.


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A podcast that amplifies the voices of LGBT+ educators and celebrates the power of diversity

Journeys in Education

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You’re in the right place. Welcome to the ‘Journeys in Education’ Podcast where we chat about education then, now and in the future. We chat about mental health and wellbeing. What are our guests passionate about? What are we passionate about? We’ll have a right good chat about that too! Remember that the three most import things in education are Relationships, Relationships and Relationships, so relax, be happy and join us.

Two Mr Ps in a Pod(Cast)

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Two teachers sharing funny stories from the classroom.Welcome to the Two Mr Ps in a Pod(Cast) website! A podcast which shares all the funny and hilarious stories from the classroom. Mr P (ICT_MrP) and his younger brother Mr P, both working in the classroom, share your funny stories about life in school.We want to hear your confessions, stories and experiences whether you are a teacher, teaching assistant, student or caretaker.​Everyone has been to school so everyone has a special memory or story about their experience and we want to hear it!

All Ways Learning

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"All leaders commit to and model career-long learning as a 'leading learner' and thus encourage others to engage in career-long learning to enhance their practice." GTCS. In this podcast, aimed at all teachers and anyone committed to professional learning, we share ego-free connections and critical reflections that will strengthen and challenge your thinking, enabling you to connect and reflect with your own professional learning needs. Join us to ignite and inspire your professional learning journey.

The Talking Teachers

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Two experienced teachers shooting the breeze about all things education!

Education Research Reading Room

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The Education Research Reading Room (ERRR Podcast) brings together passionate teachers and educators with inspiring education researchers and thought leaders for engaging and informative discussion on key issues in the education space. Each episode we contact a prominent figure in the education landscape and ask them ‘If every teacher and educator in the world could spend an hour reading your work, what would you want them to read?’. Interested teachers and educators then read this piece in preparation for a live event with the author to discuss and explore the topic in more depth. The subsequent conversation becomes the Education Research Reading Room Podcast (ERRR Podcast).

Filling The Pail

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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." – As W. B. Yeats never said. Filling The Pail explores the wonderful and strange world of education, the good ideas and the bad, with host, Greg Ashman, and a range of powerful thinkers.

The Learning Scientists

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A podcast for teachers, students, and parents about evidence based practice and learning.

Teach Me,  Teacher

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Designed from the ground up as a no nonsense approach to teacher development, this podcast is your gateway to bettering your craft (and having some laughs along the way). It is a show for you. To help you better your craft, learn new skills, and get ideas to fuel your own. It is a show for anyone in the field of education, and has featured teachers and administrators from all over to offer their unique perspectives on some of the most relevant and hottest topics in public schools. Teach Me, Teacher has won several "best of" awards and has featured some of the top minds in education to date.

The Teacher Career Coach

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Hosted by Daphne Gomez. The Teacher Career Coach Podcast was created to motivate, empower, and inspire educators to find happiness in their careers, whether inside or outside the classroom. Whether or not they are thinking of a career change from teaching, all educators will gain something from the honest discussions. Join us as we talk teacher burnout, career transitions, side-hustles for teachers, and everything in between!

Scottish Educators Connect

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The Scottish Educators Connect has grown across social media to provide a safe space for educators to develop professionally through topical and academic reading. Throughout the SEC meetings, many education and political issues are explored -this podcast has been set up to explore further some issues raised. If you have an interest in Scottish educational issues, do get in touch to guest on our podcast. New episodes every Thursday. Podcast Hosts: James Cook and Anita Le Tissier

Beyond Good

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A podcast about teaching. We discuss teaching and learning, pedagogy, lessons and classroom practise, management and leadership, teaching of mathematics, training and trainees, mentors and mentoring, behaviour management, being a head of department and running a faculty, SLT and much much more!

The Teacher's Point of View

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Working in education? Check out this podcast where TJ Juttla interviews key people from UK education

10 with Zen

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Join us for 10-minute conversations with passionate education leaders about opportunities and challenges in the school sector. Hosted by Helen Woodward, Advisor at Zen Educate, each episode features a prominent speaker sharing their experience, best practice and expertise with our community.


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3 educators & friends discussing education, current affairs and all the things that make teaching #morethanajob Aimed at parents, teachers, support staff and those interested in anything educational. #Morethanajob Podcast brings you light-hearted education discussion, debate and thoughts! @DanielTBull @Bradford_Mike1 @JW19784


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Nick Heard and Rachel O'Halleron discuss a variety of topics with guests from education and the world of business - featuring leadership, disruption, innovation and change, talent management and the importance of people.

T and Teaching

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An education podcast that you can listen to during your tea break with Arthur Moore and Mike Harrowell. Follow our updates on twitter @tandteaching On TandTeaching Mike and Arthur speak with a range of people from across the world of education including teachers, middle and senior leaders, headteachers, educational consultants, authors, entrepreneurs and many more.

Rethinking Education

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"Civilisation is a race between education and catastrophe." (HG Wells) In this podcast, we take Wells at his word. Hosted by Dr James Mannion (UCL Institute of Education), Rethinking Education features long-form conversations with fascinating guests about how we might rethink, reform and rebuild the education system so as to avert catastrophe and transition to a more harmonious, less hair-raising state of world affairs. If this sounds interesting to you, welcome to Rethinking Education: Education's Critical Friend. Also, please join the Rethinking Education Mighty Network, a global community of lovely people from all walks of life who want to rethink education:

Shake Up Learning

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Host Kasey Bell, is an edtech leader, international speaker, author, blogger, and digital learning coach for K-12 teachers. Kasey helps teachers learn how to meaningfully integrate technology in the classroom through her expert presentations, on-air coaching calls, and powerful interviews with educational leaders and discussions with student guests. Learn how to integrate technology and digital learning tools, grow as a leader, refine your instructional strategies, and transform your classroom. Kasey is also an expert in Google for Education and G Suite tools, as well as Google Certifications. If you’re looking for PRACTICAL ideas that you can use in class tomorrow, look no further. The Shake Up Learning Show will help you become a more dynamic teacher and Shake Up Learning in your classroom!

CFEY - Youth & Edcation Podcast

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Alix Robertson, Baz Ramaiah and Vanessa Joshua of The Centre for Education and Youth (along with their expert guests) explore developments in education and youth research and policy. There is a particular focus on how research can affect teachers, educational leaders and policy makers as well as others with a wider interest in improving outcomes for all of our young people. This is a UK based show.

Education On Fire

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Do you feel the education system is sucking the life out of you and the pupils you serve? I think many of us wish we could click our fingers and make it fit for purpose. A place of growth with shared learning that empowers pupils to be their best selves, so they can create a world they want to inhabit now and in the future. While a magic wand or a visionary politician might sound like the answer I believe change is already happening. Educators are changing futures one conversation at a time. New technology and the environments where we learn are beginning to look different both in and out of the classroom. I hope you are seeing this first hand and are excited about what you can share with your pupils. We are having conversations, sharing organisations and communities that are supporting education in a way that you may have not experienced. Educational change will come from us all working in way that supports the best interests of each of our pupils, personalised learning. Governments and policy makers will follow when they see fully how it can be different. So let us teach, coach, mentor and create an environment that fuels every child with feedback, inspiration, resilience and empowerment. The Education on Fire community is shining the torch, so no matter where you are in the world or how you are supporting children this podcast is here for you. ‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’

Get Inspired & Innovate

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Get inspired and Innovate is a podcast that will inspire educators to be innovative in the classroom. We will be interviewing Googlers (Google Certified Educator Level 1, Google Certified Educator Level 2, Google Certified Trainers, Google Certified Innovators) to get their tips, tools, and tricks to engage students in the classroom. We will also be discussing with our Googlers their certification process and the opportunities that it has provided them for growth.

Steve Barkley Ponders Out Loud

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For the past 35 years, Steve Barkley has served as an education consultant to school districts, teacher organizations, state departments of education, and colleges and universities nationally and internationally, facilitating the changes necessary for them to reach students and successfully prepare them for the 21st century. A prolific published author, his weekly blog has evolved into a go-to resource for teachers and administrators all over the world. Visit to learn more.

Inside Education

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An Irish perspective on news and stories from the world of education

Oxford Education Podcast

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This podcast brings together educational experts to discuss key issues in primary and secondary education. Enjoy fascinating insights and get practical tips to apply to your teaching. Brought to you by the Schools Team at Oxford University Press.

The Forrest School Podcast

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This is the Forest School podcast, where Gemma and Lewis talk in depth about Forest School, book reviews and child development in the UK.

The Schools & Academies Show Podcast

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The Schools & Academies Show Podcast brings to you the latest policy updates concerning primary and secondary schools in the United Kingdom. We also host debates and discussions on the most compelling issues for senior leaders and practitioners in education. Join us and be part of a growing community at the UK's largest education policy event, taking place online, in Birmingham and in London. If you would like to get in touch with the team, please email

Like A Sponge

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In a world of educational chaos, where can you turn to help your child flourish? Join Carol Lloyd as she dives into the science and stories behind how kids thrive. From how kids become math-phobic to what's going on inside your teenager's brain, it’s the science of learning, fun and unspun. Visit us at for links to resources and more.

The Teaching Space

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A podcast for teachers and trainers who want to love their jobs and be amazing teachers without sacrificing their own time, mental health and wellbeing.

The Cult of Pedagogy

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Teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform, educational technology -- if it has something to do with teaching, we're talking about it. Jennifer Gonzalez interviews educators, students, administrators and parents about the psychological and social dynamics of school, trade secrets, and other juicy things you'll never learn in a textbook. For more fantastic resources for teachers, visit

The Brian Mendler Show

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Brian Mendler, behavior and classroom management expert, and his guests discuss school discipline, SEL, behavior and classroom management strategies, relationship building tips and more. This year will feature dynamic interviews with Educators from across all parts of the profession. From Para-Professionals to Superintendents, everyone has a story. He will also answer your “challenging kid” questions.

The Chey and Pav Show: Teachers Talking Teaching

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Chey Cheney and Pav Wander are two middle school teachers from Toronto, Canada. They have a passion for elevating and amplifying student voice while honouring students lived experiences and identity. "The Chey and Pav Show" takes educators and listeners through the “ins and outs” of the field of Teaching, Learning and Leadership. With their anecdotal and inviting banter, laced with caring insightfulness, the audience engages in a conversation that is surely eye-opening and impactful while tackling some of the real and ever-changing issues in Education! Chey and Pav Educational Services, Inc.

Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers

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Truth for Teachers is designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators and get you energized for the week ahead.

MindShift Podcast

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It’s easy to see a child’s education as a path determined by grades, test scores and extra curricular activities. But genuine learning is about so much more than the points schools tally. MindShift explores the future of learning and how we raise our kids. This podcast is part of the MindShift education site, a division of KQED News. You can also visit the MindShift website for episodes and supplemental blog posts or tweet us @MindShiftKQED or visit us at

Teaching Champions

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The Teaching Champions Podcast is dedicated to inspiring and bringing joy to educators who are serving others each and every day.

Early Years

Early Years

Thriving Language - Early Years

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We are the Beckies, we work together mentoring and coaching early years professionals to be the best they can be and create happier brighter futures for themselves and the children they work with. Our podcasts offer easy to use top tips to help ease your workload and build confidence in practice. Speech and Language Therapy and Early Years are what we love, so join us and discover how to make your life and career happier.

The Preschool Podcast

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The Preschool Podcast, brought to you by HiMama, is a platform for learning from leading professionals in early childhood education. If you work in a daycare, childcare or preschool setting, The Preschool Podcast will provide you with both practical advice for managing your organization, center or classroom, as well as thought provoking content and insights about the field of early childhood education. Each week, we chat with leaders in early childhood education, from teachers and educators in the classroom with innovative curriculum approaches, to directors who are excelling at empowering their team, and leaders outside of the child care environment that are passionate about making a positive impact on outcomes for young children. Our goal with The Preschool Podcast is to provide knowledge and inspiration to the future leaders of early childhood education by speaking with experienced and insightful leaders in the world of preschool and early learning today. At HiMama, it is our belief that leadership within early childhood education is crucial to the future of the child care sector and, of course, the future of our most important asset in this world, our youngest children.


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Discussions on current Early Years and Education topics Help with upkeep of this vital resource for the sector. Every little helps The podcast will always be free to listeners. We just need a little help every now and again

The Teachers' Podcast

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The Teachers' Podcast provides additional support to teachers. Whether it's ideas to be used in the classroom, listening to the perspective of someone else in school or just being able to relate to the challenges other educators face, each episode delves into a key topic within education with a guest. Developed in association with Classroom Secrets and hosted by Classroom Secrets’ and The Education Business Club's CEO, Claire Riley.

Hygge in the Early Years

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A weekly podcast embracing Hygge to improve on self care and happiness for Early Childhood Education.

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

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The Muddy Puddle Teacher approach is a revolutionary new outdoor education approach created by teacher and author Sarah Seaman. The Muddy Puddle Teachers focus on the three Muddy M's. Mental Health, More Kids Moving and Mother Nature. Listen to this podcast to get tips on how to teach with a new positive and muddy outlook. A must for all educators and the only Outdoor Learning Podcast out there! Sign up for FREE teaching resources and CPD outdoor learning teacher training



The Primary Knowledge Podcast

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The Primary Knowledge Podcast is for primary headteachers and senior leaders involved in curriculum design, development, management and implementation. Delivered by specialist educators, each episode focuses on the sharing of knowledge, experience and wisdom about primary curriculum and best practices. Hosted by James Marriott and curated by Cornerstones Education, each episode is around 15 minutes, easily squeezed into a busy working day but packed full of useful tips and advice.

Primary Education Voices

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This podcast is a wonderful chance to get to know fellow Primary Education teachers better, learn about great ideas and resources and develop the great discussions shared with fellow practitioners from Twitter.

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

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The Muddy Puddle Teacher approach is a revolutionary new outdoor education approach created by teacher and author Sarah Seaman. The Muddy Puddle Teachers focus on the three Muddy M's. Mental Health, More Kids Moving and Mother Nature. Listen to this podcast to get tips on how to teach with a new positive and muddy outlook. A must for all educators and the only Outdoor Learning Podcast out there! Sign up for FREE teaching resources and CPD outdoor learning teacher training

The Teachers' Podcast

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The Teachers' Podcast provides additional support to teachers. Whether it's ideas to be used in the classroom, listening to the perspective of someone else in school or just being able to relate to the challenges other educators face, each episode delves into a key topic within education with a guest. Developed in association with Classroom Secrets and hosted by Classroom Secrets’ and The Education Business Club's CEO, Claire Riley.

Thinking Deeply About Primary Education

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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to



Connecting FE

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Discussions, chat and sharing good practice. Open and honest conversation about life in the FE sector. Please contact us:

Teaching Excellence

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A podcast discussing all things Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Quality in Further Education. Hosted by Stef Wilkinson, specialist in Quality improvement, innovation and strategic approach.

E&M Booth

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This podcast is a wonderful chance to get to know fellow Primary Education teachers better, learn about great ideas and resources and develop the great discussions shared with fellow practitioners from Twitter.

FE Week Podcast

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This brand-new service from FE Week complements the paper by bringing you engaging commentary and discussion every week for your commute, your lunch break, or wherever else you enjoy your podcasts. Hosted by FE Week editor, Shane Chowen. Shane will be joined by special guests from across the education and skills sector.

Reflective Ed

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Thinking and reflections around teaching, learning and development in further education and beyond.

Insights into Post 16 English and Maths

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Hosted by Chris Briggs, the Post 16 English and Maths specialist at Pearson, this podcast series focuses on everything post 16 English and Maths with guests from all aspects of the provision.

Let's Get Digital FE

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Let's Get Digital is all about blended and online learning in FE. Stacey Salt and Eve Sheppard are FE teachers, Advanced Practitioners and Digital Champions at The Oldham College. In this podcast we chat to colleagues about what works for them in digital and blended learning. Please let us know if you've enjoyed listening or if you have any comments or questions. We're on Twitter @TutorStacey_AP and @ESOL_Eve, or you can send us an email at

EdTech Joy

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This podcast is aimed at all listeners who are interested in English, Maths and Digital Tools. My hope is that listeners will be inspired to trial digital tools, explore difficult questions, gain advice, insights into the FE sector and that this will be a platform to amplify educators who are demonstrating great practice behind closed doors. Reach out to me on Twitter - my handle is @StaceyAnnFoy



Research in Leadership..

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A podcast series in which researchers are interviewed about their leadership research in the area of schools, early childhood settings and/or social care settings.

Learning Dust

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LearningDust aims to promote harmonious relationships between teachers, technicians and leadership teams in schools. Each episode examines a theme through the eyes of people who perform these roles in schools. Our motto - pedagogy and technology in harmony - refers to the aspiration that teachers and 'techies' can work with, rather than against each other.

We Are In Beta

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The We Are In Beta Podcast tells the positive, practical and personal stories of inspirational school leaders tackling big challenges in their schools. Each episode takes a deeper look at a different topic through the eyes of the people we speak to, capturing a range of voices - colleagues, parents and students - along the way.


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Free nationwide professional development for anyone interested in self improvement



The SENDcast

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The SENDcast is a weekly podcast focusing on Special Educational Needs, it is an amazing way to keep up to date with all the different areas within SEN, best practices and to improve your knowledge around SEND.

Universal Learning with Saj Mohammad

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What lessons can we take from inclusive practice to open up learning to all? For example, making things easy to read and using clear language helps dyslexic and autistic learners. But shouldn’t it be part of our normal routine when planning teaching, learning, and assessment? In this podcast series, I speak to professionals inside and outside education, as well as parents, carers, and learners themselves about their experiences of inclusion and what lessons we can all learn to make learning as universal as possible. Visit our website at

Autism Spectrum Teacher

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Sharing expertise, information and practical advice related to autism and education, as well as conversations with autistic individuals, parents, carers, teachers, educational professionals and service providers. Hosted by Steph Reed, an Autism Specialist Teacher and Consultant in London, UK.

Scottish ASN Teacher

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What lessons can we take from inclusive practice to open up learning to all? For example, making things easy to read and using clear language helps dyslexic and autistic learners. But shouldn’t it be part of our normal routine when planning teaching, learning, and assessment? In this podcast series, I speak to professionals inside and outside education, as well as parents, carers, and learners themselves about their experiences of inclusion and what lessons we can all learn to make learning as universal as possible. Visit our website at



Teacher Wellbeing

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Happy, healthy people are more effective teachers and more productive members of society. Yet, an increasing number of teachers are suffering stress-related illness and burnout. Some of these educators struggle through at a reduced capacity, but quite a lot just leave the profession altogether. Many educators put everyone else's health and happiness before their own, because they just want to make a difference. However, it backfires because the external expectations and demands of the job keep increasing regardless of the dwindling reserves of teachers. This podcast aims to facilitate and contribute to the conversation about teacher wellbeing, positive schools and burnout prevention, to inspire and empower educators of all kinds to take back control of their health and happiness by being proactive about their wellbeing, and to give teachers permission to put themselves first, so that they can go on making a difference long into the future.

The Balanced Educator

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The Balanced Educator is a weekly podcast hosted by the co-founders of Educalme, Kailey Lefko and Josianne Barnabé. Our intention is to equip and empower educators and parents to feel more calm, balanced, and joyful in all aspects of their lives. We discuss mindset shifts and habits that we are experimenting with in our own lives that are making our days more intentional, mindful and fun. We talk about different ways to practice mindfulness in our own lives and then how we can share what we are learning with our kiddos in the classroom or at home. We believe that when we nurture ourselves first, we can share our unique gifts and talents with our kiddos in a bigger and deeper way.

We Lead Well

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The wellbeing of staff in schools has never been more important. With almost a third of new staff leaving the profession after just five years and 26% of teachers saying they are thinking of leaving in the next 12 months (National Foundation for Educational Research), we are facing a teacher retention crisis. The We Lead Well Podcast has been created in response to this crisis, to encourage and support schools to create places where people love to work. We support leaders to enhance the wellbeing of all staff in schools. Each week, leading educationalists share their experience, views and tips on how other school leaders can promote wellbeing in their organisations for the benefit of all staff.



School Behaviour Secrets

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Are you a teacher, a SENCo or a school leader? Want research-backed strategies for supporting students who find it hard to manage their emotions or behaviour? Want practical ways of supporting pupils with special needs like autism, ADHD, FASD or attachment disorder? Want tried-and-tested classroom management strategies that will work with that ‘tricky class’? Then you’re in the right place. Welcome to the School Behaviour Secrets podcast where we’ll answer ALL these questions and so much more! Week after week, your hosts Simon Currigan and Emma Shackleton share the secrets to behaviour success that every teacher and school leader should know, all based on their decades of experience supporting real teachers and real students in real classrooms. But that’s not all...We also interview thought leaders from the world of education so you can hear NEW insights that could hold the key to unlocking your students’ potential. Whether it’s managing the whole class, helping kids with behavioural SEN, or whole school strategy - we’ve got you covered. Are you in? Brilliant. Because this is YOUR CHANCE to get unstuck, hear from the experts, feel inspired and start seeing more positive behaviour in your classroom again. So hit that subscribe button... and let’s get started!




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Myedtechbuddies is a podcast focusing on #edtech and #pedtech in the classroom and beyond in the education environment. The Myedtechbuddies Podcast began as a sidekick for the app which was a Google Innovator project #VIA20. Find out more at If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, please complete this form:

The Edtech Podcast

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The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ through storytelling, for better innovation and impact. Our audience consists of education leaders from around the world, plus start ups, learning and development specialists, bluechips, investors, Government and media. The Edtech Podcast is downloaded 2000+ each week from 145 countries in total, with UK, US & Australia the top 3 downloading countries. Podcast series have included Future Tech for Education, Education 4.0, and The Voctech Podcast, Learning Continued. Send your qs and comments to @PodcastEdtech,, or or leave a voicemail for the show at

Educational Duct Tape

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The #EduDuctTape Podcast, hosted by Jake Miller, focuses on viewing #edtech as a tool used to meet goals, address learning standards, and solve problems in the classroom, much as duct tape is used as a tool that solves a plethora of problems in our lives. In each episode, Jake sits down with a different inspiring guest to share and discuss some awesome ideas for using tech in the classroom!

EdTech Bites

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EdTech Bites is a Podcast about all things EdTech and Food hosted by Gabriel Carrillo. He interviews teachers, leaders, and innovators to discuss the latest trends in educational technology. Many times, while sharing a meal together. So subscribe, tell a friend or colleague, and remember that great conversations happen when we break bread with great people. Buen Provecho!

TCEA's Ed Tech Club

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Are you the type of educator who’s always hungry for the latest ideas to combine technology and learning? Join the club. The Ed Tech Club is TCEA’s podcast, all about the tech tools you love, the resources you need, and the insights you value. Each week, we’ll sit down with educators and experts to discuss everything from big ideas to useful tips for your most-used ed tech resources. Along the way, we’ll introduce you to new tools and ideas, and expand on some of the most exciting trends in ed tech. Plus, we pack each episode with articles, plans, and extras to help take the stress out to educational innovation. So pencil us in. The Ed Tech Club meets every Thursday, wherever you get podcasts.

House of #EdTech

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House of #EdTech features conversations with teachers, leaders, and creators so you can more effectively integrate technology, strengthen your pedagogy, and have more confidence in your classroom and school so you can make an impact. Chris Nesi has been helping educators like you transform education by exploring the impact technology is having on education.

Easy EdTech

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Monica Burns from the popular EdTech blog ClassTechTips brings you teaching strategies, tips and activity ideas. Each podcast focuses on how to make EdTech integration easy with a shout out to favorite EdTech tools for classrooms. Monica provides actionable, relevant tips for teachers so you can make this school year the best one yet! Join author, speaker, and blogger, Dr. Monica Burns for an EdTech podcast that helps take the stress out of integrating education technology into your classroom.



Easy EdTech

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A podcast for maths teachers of Years 5-8 looking at continuity and why we need to dig for the why in our lessons. Join Andy (former secondary teacher) and Alison (former primary teacher) for a podcast series discussing issues around continuity, the transition from primary to secondary, and many of the problems around teaching and learning maths.

MathsTalk by AMSI Schools

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MathsTalk by AMSI Schools. Conversations in Maths education between experienced teachers, seeking to improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Australia and all over the world. Feedback is always welcome at

Math Teacher Lounge

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Math Teacher Lounge is a biweekly podcast created specifically for K–12 math educators. In each episode co-hosts Bethany Lockhart Johnson (@lockhartedu) and Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer)dive deep, with guests, into the math and educational topics you care about. Interact with us on Twitter (@mtlshow) or join our Facebook group ( for more content.



The Motivated Classroom

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A weekly podcast for language teachers and learners hosted by Dr. Liam Printer talking all things education, languages, motivation and engagement; linking current educational research to your classroom practice and providing a few ideas for some easy to implement, zero-prep, motivational strategies you can try out right away! Join the conversation on social media using #MotivatedClassroom. I'd love to know what you think so please get in touch. Full programme notes available on

TEFL Training Institute

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Far too much of language teaching literature is, to quote Stephen Krashen, “Far too long, far too incomprehensible and far too full of jargon,” not to mention far too expensive. The TEFL Training Institute podcast is short, easy to understand and free. In each 15-minute episode, we discuss practical, thought-provoking or controversial topics with our friends, and some of the biggest names in language teaching. From motivation to materials, training to teenagers, approaches to assessment, if you want to become a better teacher, trainer or manager, start here. With host Ross Thorburn.

It's About Language

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Find your voice. Enter the conversation. Find your superpower.



Economics In Ten

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Economics In Ten is your go-to podcast if you want to learn about the lives, times and ideas of the world's greatest economic thinkers. Each episode is a fun exploration of a famous economist using ten different questions. Presented by Pete and Gav, your friendly neighbourhood economists, with technical support from Nic and music from Jukedeck - create your own at



The Physics Teaching Podcast

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We believe that physics teaching is a wonderful thing, but are aware not everyone agrees. In the UK more and more non-specialists are getting the opportunity (welcome or otherwise) to shine a light on peoples misconceptions about the World around them.We started this podcast to provide useful information about how some of the best physics teachers we know teach the subject. Nearly always the answer will be ‘do some practical work’, which we know is essential to grounding understanding as well as being fun to do and making lessons easier to manage.



Half Hour Call

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Open Drama UK's monthly podcast related to theatre and Drama education by people in the know. This is part of a package of support provided by Open Drama UK for teachers, theatre educators & industry experts to advance, improve & benefit young people through Drama.

Computer Science

Hello World

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Welcome to Hello World, the new podcast for educators interested in computing and digital making in the classroom. Join us as we explore the exciting world of computing and digital making education and hear from educators, learners, and experts along the way. In each episode, you'll hear from a range of exciting guests, hear their stories, learn something new, and have some fun along the way. Read more about computing and digital making in Hello World magazine. Subscribe for free at

Computer Science
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